The Many Benefits of Melatonin

Most products that use melatonin as their main component are beneficial in a number of ways. There are also side effects that should likewise be considered with this health supplement. Melatonin is actually a hormone that is naturally produced by the body's pituitary gland that is located in the brain. Some vegetables, fruits, meats, and other foods actually contain traces of melatonin. There are also supplements that are available but the safest to use are the synthetic ones since natural supplement can cause disease since they could be biologically contaminated.


Melatonin is good for helping with sleeping and waking up. Once this hormone is released in higher levels in the body, it will trigger the readiness to sleep. During the evening, these levels remain high. But as dawn approaches, the level of melatonin decreases steadily. This is how a typical healthy body works, but there are some people who suffer from insomnia because their body clock, or their rhythm, isn't functioning the proper way. This can help the body recover with their sleep deficit problems.

The release of melatonin in the body is actually affected by light. A circadian rhythm sleep disorder could be caused by failing to get adequate light during the day and being exposed to too much light at night-time. Shift workers and people with jet lag often experience a disruption in their normal sleep cycle so a supplement when it comes to melatonin is required.


When people get older, their bodies produce lesser melatonin than normal. This is causing them to have shorter sleeping hours. These natural sleep aids can be taken whenever they want to get some sound sleep.


For these various cases of insomnia, research tells people that melatonin can relieve certain symptoms of sleeplessness. But because of the fact that there are many possible side effects of melatonin supplementation, it's best to take the hormone as a patient under the supervision of a doctor, including when taken as a supplement for sleep therapy.


The following are some more facts about melatonin. Melatonin is an antioxidant. This means that it assist with the prevention of cell damage. This function can improve your body's immune system and can reduce the chances of having health issues like diabetes and heart disease.


When taken with anti-cancer drugs, melatonin has been proven to increase the rates of survival of men with prostate cancer. it deters the growth of some types of breast cancer cells of patients. It relieves pain and bloating of people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.


Due to its effect to restore sleep, Melatonin can have an ant-aging effect on the body. It reduces the frequency of migraine headaches. It can be used as an anti-anxiety agent.


Melatonin can be used topically as a natural sunscreen. Low levels of melatonin lead to the relief of both seasonal affective disorder and depression. Melatonin inhibits the ovulation in women. If used with other contraceptive methods, it can be used as a form of oral contraceptive. But there are also studies that reveal that it can also stimulate the reproductive process. You can search the net for more information about Melatonin if you so desire.